Friday, July 26, 2013

Florida Cosmetic and Reconstructive Vaginal Surgeries Explained

There are many questions surrounding what vaginal surgeries there are and which surgical procedure is needed vs. which is an optional non-medically necessary surgery. Port Charlotte, Florida, cosmetic surgeon and OB/GYN Dr. Anthony Brignoni shares the differences in cosmetic and repair or reconstructive vaginal surgeries.

It is important to note there is a difference between cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery.

Cosmetic surgery is elective and not necessary. Then there is reconstructive surgery which repairs damage to, or replaces and improves function. This type of surgery is often necessary as in a prolapse surgery which repairs prolapsed organs.

Reconstructive surgery improves the function of a body part, while cosmetic surgery changes the aesthetics of essentially normal anatomy. Reconstructive surgery is often necessary after a prolapse, a tear, sagging or aging or childbirth difficulties.


There are several interior vaginal repair surgeries including vaginoplasty which is a vaginal tightening surgery.

Vaginoplasty is a long standing procedure that was incepted and created to help women who suffer from incontinence. The lapse or slack or sagging of the interior of the vagina is a result of chronically weak muscles that could not be strengthened with less invasive methods.

Vaginoplasty has been a medical procedure since the 18th century in its original and then crude and rudimentary beginnings. In the past it was only performed for medical or anatomical needs to help women who had difficult, multiple births or extensive prolapse after childbirth.

The surgery today is done in an effort either to reduce or to reverse the effects of aging, child bearing, birth trauma, tissue stretching, or improper surgical healing from vaginal procedures.

The medical technology used in vaginoplasty was increased with the advancements of laparoscopy, a surgery that uses a thin, lighted tube put through a incision in the stomach to look at the organs or the female pelvic area played a large role in the advancement of this field of surgery.

After vaginoplasty patients usually experience feel of discomfort or mild pain during one week post operation which gradually disappears after the second week. After second week, the client usually feels some pain that will gradually subside after a month post operative.

Vaginoplasty surgery today is also used as a way to increase a woman’s sexual performance by creating a tightness and thus an increase in vaginal friction.

A vaginal rejuvenation is a non-reconstructive vaginoplasty that restores the muscle tone and the esthetics of the vagina, by removing excess tissues and tightening the supportive structures of the vulvovaginal complex.

There are medical concerns that make vaginal rejuvenation a procedure to consider. Women who have the associated symptoms of uncontrolled urine loss with coughing, sneezing, and exertion due to the loss of vaginal support of the bladder neck, a condition called stress urinary incontinence.

Occasionally, the bladder and the rectum push into the vagina due to the weakness of the vaginal wall, causing vaginal prolapse termed cystocele bladder, rectocele rectum, or even uterine prolapse, where the uterus and cervix drop down towards the vaginal opening.

Vaginal Repair Surgery

Some benefits of vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal repair surgeries are:
1. enhanced vaginal muscle tone, strength, and control
2. decreased internal and external vaginal diameters
3. built up and strengthened perineal body
4. improved external appearance of the vulva and perineum.

After vaginal repair surgery, the patient may experience minor discomfort and mild swelling. Although bed rest the day of the surgery is recommended, in most cases the patient is able to return to work within a few days depending on the type of work.

To facilitate healing, patients will refrain from sexual intercourse and other activity in the vaginal area from 4-6 weeks following vaginal reduction. It is necessary that any penetration of the vagina be avoided, including douching or using tampons.

Refraining from such activity during this vital healing time will allow vaginal muscles to remain intact and incisions to heal completely, preventing them from being reopened.

During surgery, a woman can also have other cosmetic procedures done. Women frequently ask about having other cosmetic surgery procedures completed including: labiaplasty, breast augmentation and a nose job are a few examples of cosmetic surgical procedures that can be performed simultaneously. However, the physician chosen to perform your vaginoplasty will be able to determine whether it is possible to perform another procedure at the same time.

Dr. Brignoni looks forward to hearing from you with your questions. To setup an appointment you can call 941-743-6866 to visit the Brignoni Cosmetogynecology Center at 2300 Loveland Blvd., Port Charlotte, Florida, 33980.